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Jayanth Dev, Brew & Chew, Bengaluru's best food blog

“Make sure you work for your interest”

“Live simple, but think big!”

“Try to engage your mind elsewhere so that you don’t stress out”

– Jayanth Dev, founder of “Brew & Chew” (Google’s #1 Ranked Bengaluru’s best food blog!)

In this week’s episode, we talk to Jayanth Dev, founder and CEO of “Brew & Chew“. This is Bengaluru’s best food blog (per Google ranking). Jayanth talks about his long journey from being a foodie to running a successful blog. He also talks about how he got the inspiration for this blog based on his previous blogs which were also about food and drinks

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Jayanth’s experience as a content developer and community manager helps him tremendously in his current venture. He also talks about some valuable tips for new entrepreneurs and how he deals with critics. I personally learnt so much from this interview and I hope you do too.

Following are the resources that Jayanth shares with us on the show:

Please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Have you used Brew & Chew? Do you agree that it is Bengaluru’s best food blog? Jayanth and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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