Move technology in-house after outsourced MVP with PlayAblo Founders

“If I was to do it all over again, I would move this MVP in-house much faster”

“Whatever you do, do it with love….it will show!”

“Keep a very close eye on cash”

– Dheeraj Sharma and AnanthaKrishnan G – founders of PlayAblo, during our discussion on “How to move technology in-house after an MVP”

Our topic today is very relevant to almost all startups. The topic for the day is “How to move technology in-house after an outsourced MVP”. And we are talking with Dheeraj and Ananth, the founders of PlayAblo. This is the second time the founders are being featured on our show. You can check out their first appearance at “Overview to building a gamification platform“. The founders themselves had to move technology in-house after their MVP; so who better than to talk about this topic?

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