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one way intercity cab rentals

“It is very important to identify the need of the market”

“We believe process before technology…technology is an enabler!”

“Don’t complain; do something or just shut up!”

–  Devang Sanghvi and Vivek Kejriwal, founders of OneWay.cab (platform and app that provides one way intercity cab rentals)

In this week’s episode, we talk to Vivek and Devang, founders of OneWay.cab. This is a platform that provides one way intercity cab rentals at affordable rates. Both of these guys were actually rivals in business at one point of time. They then got together to start Vadodara’s first radio cab. Then they went and disrupted their own business!

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Both founders have marketing backgrounds. They worked in various firms in account management roles before starting their own cab service. They have successfully grown to be the market leader in the one way intercity cab rentals in the whole of India. Both share great advice and practical tips for would-be founders. All in all, another great episode not to be missed!

Following are the resources that Vivek and Devang shares with us on the show:

  • OneWay.cab – Platform and app that helps you book one way intercity cab rentals. Check out their webpage for special discounts and offers if you use their app
  • Recommended reading is “David and Goliath…” by Malcolm Gladwell
  • You can get in touch with Devang and Vivek via their Linkedin handles — Devang’s Linkedin profile, Vivek’s Linkedin profile. Also call their call center at 08000 247 247 (within India) and ask to speak to the founders!

Please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Have you used OneWay.cab? Do you agree that they provide affordable one way intercity cab rentals? Devang, Vivek and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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