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Jatin Solanki, co-founder of EduisFun, a startup that is gamifying learning!

“No student ever says, I failed in Angry Birds or Candy Crush!”

“The best time to start is now”

“Identify your strengths and play on them”

— Jatin Solanki, co-founder of “EduisFun” (startup that is gamifying learning!)

In this week’s episode, we talk to Mr. Jatin Solanki, one of the founders of  EduisFun. This is a startup that aims to revolutionize kid’s education by gamifying learning! One of the triggers for this startup was Jatin’s own childhood experience with failure during learning!

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Jatin talks about his various ventures before he started his current company. He gives great and pertinent advice that is sure to be use to any founder. Jatin proceeds to talk about the importance of a team as well as how to overcome adversity. He gives his own example of an early venture and how they used to stay in office due to not being able to afford a house! This was such a great episode that you need to listen in order to get inspired!

Resources that Jatin mentions on the show

Please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Have you used EduisFun? Did it help in achieving it’s goal of gamifying learning? Jatin and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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