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Trividha Gotewala, founder of DesignTheatre, helps designers showcase fashion!

“You have to come up with different strategies…how to generate traffic…how to entice people”

“It’s very important for startups to acknowledge their customers!”

“Hang in there”

– Trividha Gotewala, founder of DesignTheatre (startup that helps designers showcase fashion via a marketplace)

In this week’s episode, we chat with Trividha Gotewala, the founder of DesignTheatre. This is a marketplace that helps designers showcase fashion! They do this by ensuring curated and only the best of designers get to be featured on their site. Trividha talks about the origins of her company in the show. While this was initially a college project, the success of the site has turned it into her full-time career.

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Trividha also heads all marketing activities for her company. Because of this, we decided that she takes us into a deep dive on marketing as part of our interview. Trividha packs some really powerful wisdom for would be founders, despite being a young founder herself! As a result, this is a great episode not to be missed!

#AskMarcas campaign!

We also answer some trademark and copyright related questions at the end of our show. If you have a question, Simply use the hashtag #AskMarcas and ask your question on Facebook and Twitter

Following are the resources that Trividha mentions:

Please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

What do you think of the concept of DesignTheatre? Does a marketplace where designers showcase fashion required for Indian ecommerce? Trividha and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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