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Sustainable Entrepreneurship with Learntitude Founder Saswat Kumar Panda

“We don’t want to wait, we want everything overnight!”

“Startup is a very big buzzword just like big data”

“Just prepare to be rejected. Because either you win or you learn; there is no failure!”

– Saswat Kumar Panda – founder of Learnitude Technologies – some of the many tips during our conversation on “Sustainable Entrepreneurship”

Firstly, I’m super excited today to be bringing to you a topic that is very relevant to all startups. The topic for the day is “Sustainable Entrepreneurship”. And we are talking with Saswat Kumar Panda, whose startups helps a lot of other startups. We cover a lot of useful tips and tricks with regards to sustainable entrepreneurship and how startups can succeed in today’s environment!

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The founder has been running his startup for about 5 years now and who better to learn from than an expert? He gives us actionable tips, tricks and pitfalls with regards to building a sustainable entrepreneurship mindset! This is a power packed episode that is a must for all startups! So what are you waiting for? So, go ahead and click the play button above!

 Following are the resources mentioned in the show:

  • Learnitude Technologies – startup of the founder that in itself is an example of sustainable entrepreneurship!
  • Resources recommended by Saswat are Mashable and YourStory
  • You can contact Saswat through his phone +91 9040880335 or Skype or email him saswat AT learntitude.com

Finally, please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Did you like this show? Do you get actionable items from this episode? Do you think sustainable entrepreneurship is the only way forward? Saswat and us would love to know. Hence, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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