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Low Cost Marketing for Startups with Vineet Arya

“How can you get traffic or customers organically?”

“Don’t talk about building a brand, talk about building a (great) product!”

“In marketing, there is nothing wrong, nothing right!”

– Vineet Arya, founder and experienced marketer on our discussion about “Low Cost Marketing for Startups”

Firstly, I’m super excited today to be bringing to you a topic that is almost mandatory for all startups. The topic for the day is “Low Cost Marketing for Startups “. And we are talking to Vineet Arya, an experienced founder and marketer. Vineet is a repeat guest on the show. He previously shared his knowledge on “OutSourcing Non Core Functions in Startups”. You can check that episode here

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Vineet is a seasoned marketer with over 2 decades of experience. Vineet gives us actionable tips, tricks and pitfalls with regards to low cost marketing that you can use in your own startup! In fact many of the tips that he gives are free ways to market rather than low cost! So what are you waiting for? So, go ahead and click the play button above!

 Following are the ways to get in touch with Vineet:

  • OutsourcedCMO.in – website of our guest for the day
  • You can email him via vineet AT outsourcedcmo.in
  • Or if you prefer calling him, his number is 9880216421
  • Vineet is active on social media too. You can reach him via Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter

Finally, please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Did you like this show? Do you get actionable items from this episode? Will you be able to implement low cost marketing for your own startup? Vineet and us would love to know. Hence, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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