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Vineet Dwivedi, CEO of Flipclass, home tutoring marketplace

“I try to get a perspective on where we are first thing in the morning”

“As a startup you should be very flexible”

“Before you make your product, you should be very clear on the marketing channels to reach your customer”

– Vineet Dwivedi, founder and CEO of “FlipClass” (platform that has created a home tutoring marketplace)

In this week’s episode, we talk to Vineet Dwivedi, founder and CEO of “FlipClass“. FlipClass is a home tutoring marketplace for school students. Vineet talks about how his own need for a home tutor for his son inspired him to create this site.

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Vineet has been a serial entrepreneur and has created many companies before this. He gives great nuggets of wisdom and gives a great and inspiring talk in our interview. We’ve defined FlipClass simplistically as a home tutoring marketplace. However they also have a e-learning platform and machine learning that helps the tutors, students and FlipClass to maintain a standard on the teaching. Vineet talks about this a bit more on the show

Following are the resources that Vineet shares with us on the show:

Please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Have you used FlipClass? Did it help you find a home tutor for your kid? Do you think an home tutoring marketplace is the next big thing? Vineet and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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