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Giving up a job and starting up

“Pay attention to the boring things!”

“Dream big, strive really hard to get there and learn along the way!”

“Listen to your gut!”

– Various startup founders on 1st panel discussion on giving up a job and starting up!

This week, we have a slightly different take on our show. We have a panel discussion with 4 different folks. They’re Dinesh Sen (leftmost on pic), Naga Subramanya (center top) Shankarnarayan (center bottom) and Piyush Kedia (rightmost). They’re all startup founders in various stages of their startup. Finally, they’ve all left secure, well paying jobs to startup up. Hence, I think they’re most apt to talk about giving up a job to start up!

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We start off with a quick intro about the founders and then talk about various aspects of giving up a job and starting your own gig. Especially relevant to founders or would-be founders is the discussion that covers the advantages, disadvantages, tips etc. Finally, we round off with a list of resources and one gyan of the founders. This is a power packed episode with 4 brains contributing. So, whatever you do, don’t miss it! Finally, please subscribe to the show via the link on the right where you can give your email!

 Following are the resources that the founders mention on the show:

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