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scaling in non Tier-1 cities

“You need to face brutal realities”

“Always listen to advice, but do what you believe is right!”

“Don’t be shallow in your approach, go deep!”

– Mudit Jain and Rishabh Jain, founders of Qriyo.com during their discussion on scaling in non Tier-1 Cities

Firstly, I’m super excited today to be bringing to you a topic that we believe is not often talked about. The topic for the day is “Scaling in non Tier-1 Cities” (for startups). Not every startup has the luxury of being in a Tier-1 city. Hence this episode is dedictated to all you founders/would-be founders aiming to start and scale in non Tier-1 cities.

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We talk about tips, tricks and pitfalls about scaling in non Tier-1 Cities. We also talk about the various advantages of starting up and scaling in non Tier-1 cities. This has several advantages (obvious one is cost, but many are hidden advantages). So, go on, listen to this short episode to know more details.

Finally, we’re taking a short break next week and will be back after 1 week. Listen to our archives in the meantime and enjoy!

 Following are the resources that the founders mention on the show:

  • Qriyo.com  – Website for learning. This was built in a Tier-2 city. And the founders are in the process of scaling in non-Tier cities
  • Kunal Shah’s delta 4 video which got a mention.
  • Books that Mudit Jain and Rishabh Jain recommend are “Good to Great” by James C. Collins and “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries
  • Ways to reach the founders:

Please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Did you like this show? Has this show inspired you to start in a non Tier-1 City? Do you think Scaling in non Tier-1 Cities is easier due to this podcast? Qriyo founders and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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