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The future of the software test market with TA3S founder Sumukha Rao

“A defective application takes customers away from your product…”

“Forget about what people say, focus on what you’re good at…what you’re passionate about!”

“Do what you like and don’t believe in anybody”

– Sumukha Rao, founder of TA3S.com on the future of software test market

Firstly, I’m super excited today to be bringing to you a topic that is kind of a niche. The topic for the day is “Future of software test market”. And we talk to one of the veterans of the software test market, Sumukha Rao. He’s the founder and CEO of TA3 Solutions, a leader in the software testing field.

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We talk about the evolution, present and future of the software test market. Then we move on to talk about the various advantages of automation testing as well as how can companies stay competitive by producing quality tested software. We also talk a little about Sumukha’s own personal mantras by which he lives by. Last but not the least, we also talk a little about what happens when you don’t test your product enough. Finally, Sumukha likes photography, so don’t forget to check out his Instagram account 🙂

 Following are the resources that Sumukha mentions on the show:

Finally, please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Did you like this show?  What do you think is the future of the software test market? Sumukha Rao and us would love to know. Hence, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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