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Pramod and Rohini, founders of Kitki, makes learning fun!

“Learning is such a fascinating experience”

“Passion is what keeps us driving”

“It’s not about the software(tools), but what you do with it!”

– Pramod Ponnaluri and Rohini Deepthi, founders of “Kitki” (makes learning fun via educational games)

In this week’s episode, we talk to Mr. Pramod Ponnaluri and Ms. Rohini Deepthi, founders (and husband-wife team) of  Kitki. This is a startup that makes learning fun via education board games. These are designed in-house. The concept was inspired by the founders’ own schooling experience.

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Pramod and Rohini tells us about their experience in founding this company. They also talk about issues with discovery and their aha moment! They also give very succinct and simple advice to wannabe founders and entrepreneurs. Last but not least, do check out their games out. A few links are Kitki Games on Amazon and Kitki games on Flipkart. The games all have great 5-star reviews!

Resources that Pramod and Rohini mention on the show

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Have you bought any games by “Kitki“? Was it interesting ? Can you share your own story about how Kitki makes learning fun? Pramod, Rohini and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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