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Puneet Jain, co-founder of Investkart, the platform for financial needs

“People should do market research”

“You have to be brutal with each and every feedback (that you give to co-founders)”

“Keep Learning. The time you stop learning, you stop growing!”

– Puneet Jain, co-founder of “InvestKart” (platform for all your financial needs)

In this week’s episode, we talk to Puneet Jain, one of the founders and Chief Data Scientist of InvestKart. This is a platform that aims to be the one stop platform for all your financial needs. Puneet argues that it makes no sense for customers to jump between sites for investments, loans, insurance etc. Investkart brings all these financial needs of a customer under one single website

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Puneet just finished college last year, but already has had a stint as an entrepreneur before InvestKart. He’s one of the youngest entrepreneurs on the show (in fact the youngest so far). But, make no mistake. He gives serious gems of wisdom and advice for would-be founders. He talks about some of the pitfalls that founders face and how to overcome them. This was such a great show that it was a pity we had to squeeze it into half hour.

Resources that Puneet mentions on the show

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Have you used InvestKart? Do you think it helps you in all your financial needs? Puneet and us would love to know, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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