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Gamification platform overview with PlayAblo Founders

“Gamification is more of an experience, technology is a tool!”

“If you build a product over the course of 1 year within 4 walls…highly unrecommended!”

“You have got to think as per your product/service”

– Dheeraj Sharma and AnanthaKrishnan G – founders of PlayAblo – a gamification platform focused on education

Firstly, I’m super excited today to be bringing to you a topic that is very interesting. The topic for the day is “Overview to building a gamification platform “. And we are talking to Dheeraj Sharma and AnanthaKrishnan G, the founders of PlayAblo. Furthermore, they have over 4 decades of experience in the IT industry between them.

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The founders talk to us about their journey and give us insights into building your own gamification platform. They gives us actionable tips, tricks and pitfalls with regards to gamifying your own startup! This is an episode that is a must for all wanting to build an engaged user experience! So what are you waiting for? So, go ahead and click the play button above!

 Following are the ways to get in touch with Dheeraj and AnanthKrishnan:

Finally, please share this episode if you liked what you hear. The ripple effect in passing on this knowledge won’t be possible without your help

Did you like this show? Do you get actionable items from this episode? Will you be able to develop a gamification platform for your own startup? AnanthaKrishnan, Dheeraj and us would love to know. Hence, drop us an email at ram AT foundersgyan.com or use the comments box below!

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